Anzac Day centenary has risks: review

AAP March 25, 2012, 11:13 pm

The Anzac Day centenary celebrations in 2015 could cause divisions in multicultural Australia, a government-funded review has found. News Ltd newspapers said focus-group testing found that multiculturalism represented a risk for the celebrations and one that should be considered to avoid unexpected negative complications. The report said commemorating our military history in a multicultural society is something of a double-edged sword. “While the 100th anniversaries are thought to provide some opportunity for creating a greater sense of unity, it is also recognised as a potential area of divisiveness.” The RSL has rubbished the review and says Australia’s enthusiasm for the day remains as strong as ever. RSL national president Ken Doolan told News Ltd that Anzac Day held a central place in Australia. “The Australian people have said overwhelmingly that they want the centenary celebrated,” he said.


How long must we put up with this garbage and all this political correctness, all these government funded reviews is nothing but a waste of resources that could be beneficially used elsewhere. This review and the one to use ANZAC as a brand for commercial use is off limits and should not be tolerated.

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